- ‘He’s still with these girls’: exploring perceptions of HIV risk among men with behaviourally bisexual male partners
- ‘I make sure I am safe and I make sure I have myself in every way possible’: African-American youth perspectives on sexuality education
- ‘I’m going to look for you and take your kids’: Reproductive justice in the context of immigration enforcement
- ‘Like second-hand smoke’: the toxic effect of workplace flexibility bias for workers’ health
- ‘People insult her as a sexy woman’: sexuality, stigma and vulnerability among widowed and divorced women in Oromiya, Ethiopia
- ‘Sometimes people let love conquer them’: how love, intimacy, and trust in relationships between men who have sex with men influence perceptions of sexual risk and sexual decision-making
- ‘The Hour of Eugenics’ in Veracruz, Mexico: Radical Politics, Public Health, and Latin America’s Only Sterilization Law
- ‘Interviewer’ Effects in Face-to-Face Surveys: A Function of Sampling, Measurement Error, or Nonresponse?
- “Automation” of Manufacturing in the Late Nineteenth Century: The Hand and Machine Labor Study
- “Better Off in School”: School Medical Inspection as a Public Health Strategy During the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic in the United States
- “Clustering by Interviewer”: A Source of Variance That Is Unaccounted for in Single-Stage Health Surveys
- “Every shut eye, ain’t sleep”: The role of racism-related vigilance in racial/ethnic disparities in sleep difficulty
- “Every shut eye, ain’t sleep”: The role of racism-related vigilance in racial/ethnic disparities in sleep difficulty
- “Everything’s There Except Money”: How Money Shapes Decisions to Marry Among Cohabitors
- “Excess” Doubling Up During COVID: Changes in Children’s Shared Living Arrangements
- “How Do I Learn More About this?”: Utilization and Trust of Psychedelic Information Sources Among People Naturalistically Using Psychedelics
- “I am Not a Feminist, but. . .”: Hegemony of a Meritocratic Ideology and the Limits of Critique Among Women in Engineering
- “I’m ready to eat and grab whatever I can get”: Determinants and patterns of African American men’s eating practices
- “If you do nothing about stress, the next thing you know, you’re shattered”: Perspectives on African American men’s stress, coping and health from African American men and key women in their lives
- “Interviewer” Effects in Face-to-Face Surveys: A Function of Sampling, Measurement Error, or Nonresponse?
- “It Was Supposed To Be a Onetime Thing”: Experiences of Romantic and Sexual Relationship Typologies Among Young Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men
- “It’s Complicated”: How Black and White Women Innovate with Situationships at Midlife
- “Litterers”: How Objects of Physical Disorder Are Used to Construct Subjects of Social Disorder in a Suburb
- “She looks out for the meals, period”: African American men’s perceptions of how their wives influence their eating behavior and dietary health
- “The More Support You Have the Better”: Partner Support and Dyadic HIV Care Across the Continuum for Gay and Bisexual Men
- “Weathering” and age patterns of allostatic load scores among blacks and whites in the United States
- “Weathering” HOPE VI: The Importance of Evaluating the Population Health Impact of Public Housing Demolition and Displacement
- “With an unwanted pregnancy, we are looking for midwives in the neighbourhood to show us what to do.” Stakeholder perceptions of midwife-led woman-centred comprehensive abortion care in the province of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: a qualitative descriptive study
- $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America
- 300 Million and Counting
- A ‘burning opportunity’ for human rights: using human rights as a catalyst for policies to mitigate the health risk of household air pollution
- A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Variance of Intensive Longitudinal Biomarker Data as a Predictor of Health Outcomes
- A case study on the use of multiple imputation
- A Cause for Concern: Male Couples’ Sexual Agreements and Their Use of Substances with Sex
- A Cautionary Tale: Digital Clinical Trial Implementation of a Couples-Based HIV Prevention Study among Transgender Women and Their Partners in the United States
- A closer examination of subpopulation analysis of complex-sample survey data
- A Closer Look at the Melting Pot Myth
- A Comparison Between Different Models of Delivering Maternal Cash Transfers in Myanmar
- A comparison of assistive technology and personal care in alleviating disability and unmet need
- A comprehensive assessment of predictors of fertility outcomes in men with non-obstructive azoospermia undergoing microdissection testicular sperm extraction
- A Comprehensive Theory of Civil Settlement
- A day in the life of caregivers to older adults with and without dementia: Comparisons of care time and emotional health
- A Dyadic Behavioral Intervention to Optimize Same Sex Male Couples’ Engagement Across the HIV Care Continuum: Development of and Protocol for an Innovative Couples-based Approach (Partner Steps)
- A dynamic survival modeling approach to the prediction of web survey breakoff
- A Escolaridade das Crianças Brasileiras durante a Transicão Demográfica: Aumento no Tamanho da Coorte versus Diminuicão no Tamanho da Família
- A framework for integrating evolutionary and feminist perspectives in psychological research
- A Good Age to Marry? An Intergenerational Model of the Influence of Timing Attitudes on Entrance into Marriage
- A Historical Sociology of Childhood: Developmental Thinking, Categorization and Graphic Visualization (Review)
- A Leak in the Academic Pipeline: Identity and Health Among Postdoctoral Women
- A legal dispute resolution intervention for patients with substance use disorders: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- A legal dispute resolution intervention for patients with substance use disorders: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- A life course framework for understanding digital technology use in the transition to adulthood
- A life course framework for understanding digital technology use in the transition to adulthood
- A Life History Framework Advances the Understanding of Intentions for Police Cooperation.
- A Micro-level Event-centered Approach to Investigating Armed Conflict and Population Responses
- A mixed-methods framework for analyzing text data: Integrating computational techniques with qualitative methods in demography
- A multilevel analysis of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and transactional sex with casual partners among young men who have sex with men living in metro Detroit
- A Multilevel Tailored Web App-Based Intervention for Linking Young Men Who Have Sex With Men to Quality Care (Get Connected): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
- A Multiregional Population-Projection Framework that Incorporates Both Migration and Residential Mobility Streams: Application to Metropolitan City-Suburb
- A Multivariate Stopping Rule for Survey Data Collection: Empirical Evaluation from a Panel Study
- A national data set of historical US sundown towns for quantitative analysis
- A National Profile of Family and Unpaid Caregivers Who Assist Older Adults With Health Care Activities
- A nationally representative sample of veteran and matched non-veteran college students: Mental health symptoms, suicidal ideation, and mental health treatment
- A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community
- A network study exploring factors that promote or erode interaction among diverse community health workers in rural Ethiopia
- A New Application of Linear Modeling in the Prediction of College Football Bowl Outcomes and the Development of Team Ratings
- A Note on “Sequential Neighborhood Effects” by Hicks et al. (2018)
- A novel look at racial health disparities: the interaction between social disadvantage and environmental health
- A Pilot Randomized Trial of Intervention Components Addressing Drug Use in Couples HIV Testing and Counseling (CHTC) with Male Couples
- A Practical Technique for Improving the Accuracy of Interviewer Observations of Respondent Characteristics
- A Premarital Pregnancy: Its Effect on Investments and Returns to Human Capital
- A progressive agenda toward equity in pain care
- A Propensity-Adjusted Interviewer Performance Indicator
- A prospective study of early pregnancy loss in humans
- A Qualitative Census of Rural and Urban Poverty
- A Quality-of-Life Scale for Assistive Technology: Results of a Pilot Study of Aging and Technology
- A question of trust: user-centered design requirements for an informatics intervention to promote the sexual health of African-American youth
- A randomized clinical trial of a culturally responsive intervention for African American women with asthma
- A randomized controlled trial for aggression and substance use involvement among Veterans: Impact of combining Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Treatment and telephone-based Continuing Care
- A scoping review of empirical research on firearms and firearm violence among sexual and gender minority populations in the United States
- A Scoping Review of Interventions to Promote Health and Well-Being of Left-behind Children in Mainland China
- A Simple and Flexible Rating Method for Predicting Success in the NCAA Basketball Tournament
- A Simple and Flexible Rating Method for Predicting Success in the NCAA Basketball Tournament: Updated Results from 2007
- A Simple and Flexible Rating Method for Predicting Success in the NCAA Basketball Tournament: Updated Results from 2007
- A Simple Measure of Fertility Control
- A Simulation Study of Diagnostics for Selection Bias
- A Smartphone Game to Prevent HIV Among Young Africans: Protocol for a Randomized Pilot Study of a Mobile Intervention
- A Smartphone Game-Based Intervention (Tumaini) to Prevent HIV Among Young Africans: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
- A social network typology and sexual risk-taking among men who have sex with men in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- A sociobehavioral model of acupuncture use, patterns, and satisfaction among women in the United States, 2002
- A Survey Of Americans With High-Deductible Health Plans Identifies Opportunities To Enhance Consumer Behaviors
- A taste shared: Reflecting on John Hitchcock and the good in fieldwork
- A Typology of Web Survey Paradata for Assessing Total Survey Error
- A Universal Child Allowance: A Plan to Reduce Poverty and Income Instability Among Children in the United States
- A User-Driven Method for Using Research Products to Empirically Assess Item Importance in National Surveys
- A Web-based Event History Calendar Approach for Measuring Contraceptive Use Behavior
- Abortion attitudes among South Africans: findings from the 2013 social attitudes survey
- Abortion legalization and adolescent substance use
- Abortion Policy in the United States: The New Legal Landscape and Its Threats to Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being
- Absolute Wealth Mobility in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic