
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
November 2024
Nov 5 Coffee Chat

November PSC Coffee Hour

Join us in person for some coffee and conversation with fellow PSC folks! Fall coffee chats will generally be held second Tuesdays at 10 at the PSC Director’s Bay. Coffee chats involve delicious treats, friendly mingling, and an informal, 5-10 minute flash presentation that provides a quick window into PSC research and its community. The Nov. 5 coffee […]
05 Nov
10:00 am - 11:00 am
PSC Director's Bay
ISR Thompson 2116

PSC Brown Bag Seminar: Christina Cross

PSC’s Brown Bag seminar series typically convenes Mondays at noon, at ISR Thompson Room 1430, and on Zoom. Christina Cross (Harvard; PSC alumna) joins us Nov. 18. Stories Untold: African American Two-Parent Families & The Myth of Racial Equality African Americans have the highest rates of single parenthood in the U.S., and this divergence from […]
18 Nov
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
ISR Thompson Room 1430
December 2024

PSC Brown Bag Seminar: Christine Exley

PSC’s Brown Bag seminar series typically convenes Mondays at noon, at ISR Thompson Room 1430, and on Zoom. Christine Exley (University of Michigan) joins us Dec. 2. Mission Impossible: Why Women Cannot Avoid Backlash  Motivated by prior work on gender differences relating to labor market outcomes, this paper investigates beliefs about the social acceptability of […]
02 Dec
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
ISR Thompson Room 1430
Dec 10 Cookie Swap and Coffee Chat

December PSC Coffee Hour

Join us in person for some coffee and conversation with fellow PSC folks! Fall coffee chats will generally be held second Tuesdays at 10 at the PSC Director’s Bay. Coffee chats involve delicious treats, friendly mingling, and an informal, 5-10 minute flash presentation that provides a quick window into PSC research and its community. The Dec. 10 coffee […]
10 Dec
10:00 am - 11:00 am
PSC Director's Bay
ISR Thompson 2116

PSC Brown Bag Seminar: Mike Mueller-Smith

PSC’s Brown Bag seminar series typically convenes Mondays at noon, at ISR Thompson Room 1430, and on Zoom. Mike Mueller-Smith (University of Michigan; PSC; CJARS) joins us Dec. 16. Check back for details on this talk. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 954 1861 0585 Passcode: 818420 One tap mobile +13017158592,,95418610585# US (Washington DC) +13092053325,,95418610585# US Dial […]
16 Dec
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
ISR Thompson Room 1430
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