Apportionment Calculator for US Census

This calculator illustrates how changes in state populations are reflected in the apportionment of House Seats for 2030 as compared to 2020. Entering in alternate population counts shows whether that would have made a difference.

To make a projection, you must enter a line-delimited list of population values in alpha order for all of the 50 US States. Do not include Washington, DC.

Data entry can be handled in two basic ways.

  • Copy and paste the data from the first column (Jul 2022 Est) into the second column and submit these values.
  • Copy and paste a line-delimited set of population values (e.g., a column from a spreadsheet) from another source, either an expert count or your own estimates, and submit these values.

In either of the above cases, values for individual states can be changed manually to model additional effects on apportionment.

Be sure your data set includes all 50 states and is sequenced in alpha order. A quick check of the population of New York (around 20 million) and Wyoming (less than 1 million) will help validate.

Total House Seats:
July 2022 (Est)
Enter New Population