
Since its founding by Ronald Freedman in 1961, the Population Studies Center has maintained a rich portfolio of research projects. PSC has long united and supported an exceptional group of population scientists in the design, creation, and use of new data to advance population science here and across the world. Much of this work has been funded by NICHD, NIA, other NIH institutes, NSF, and major foundations. Center faculty and students conduct population research in every region of the world. As the pressing problems and opportunities in population science have changed in the decades since our founding, our research has moved into new and exciting areas. Today, the Center’s interdisciplinary group of researchers is at the forefront of studies in key research areas, most centrally:

Today, the Center’s interdisciplinary group of researchers is at the forefront of studies in these research areas:

  • Family and intergenerational influences on health and wellbeing
  • Reproductive health, fertility, and romantic relationships
  • Population health, life course, and biosocial processes