Ben B Hansen

Faculty Associate
Professor of Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center and Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Professor of Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center and Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Research Interests:
Select Projects
Select Publications
- Charlotte Z. Mann, Ben B Hansen, Lauren Gaydosh. 2024. Early effects of 2014 U.S. Medicaid expansions on mortality: Design-based inference for impacts on small subgroups despite small-cell suppression. The Annals of Applied Statistics 18(4):2887-2908.
- Mark Fredrickson, Ben B Hansen. 2023. Optimal Full Matching. Handbook of Matching and Weighting Adjustments for Causal Inference :87-104.
- Lycurgus,Timothy Peter, Ben B Hansen, Mark White. 2022. Conjuring Power from a Theory of Change: The PWRD Method for Trials with Anticipated Variation in Effects. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 16(4):707-733.
- Morenoff,Jeffrey D, Hansen, Ben, Diez Roux, Ana V., Cerdá, Magdalena , Tessari Hicks, Kimberly J, Duque, Luis F, Restrepo, Alexandra . 2012. Reducing Violence by Transforming Neighborhoods: A Natural Experiment in Medellín, Colombia. American Journal of Epidemiology 175(10):1045-1053.
- Morenoff,Jeffrey D, Hansen, Ben, Diez Roux, Ana V., Osypuk, Theresa . 2008. Residential Environments and Obesity: How Can Observational Studies Inform Policy Interventions?. The Health Effects of Social and Economic Policy
- Morenoff,Jeffrey D, Hansen, Ben, Diez Roux, Ana V., Osypuk, Theresa . 2007. Residential Environments and Obesity: How Can Observational Studies Inform Policy Interventions?. The Health Effects of Social and Economic Policy
- Morenoff,Jeffrey D, House,James S, Hansen, Ben, Williams, David R., Kaplan, George A., Hunte, H . 2007. Understanding social disparities in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control: The role of neighborhood context. Social science & medicine 65(9):1853-1866.