Melvin Stephens Jr
Faculty Associate; Training Faculty
Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy, Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center and Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy, Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center and Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
Research Interests:
Dr. Stephens is a labor economist with research interests in displaced workers, household consumption decisions, aging and retirement, and how the timing of income receipt affects consumption decisions.
Select Publications
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Charles, Kerwin, Li, Yiming . 2018. Disability Benefit Take-Up and Local Labor Market Conditions. The Review of Economics and Statistics 100(3):416-423.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Unayama, Takashi . 2018. Estimating the Impacts of Program Benefits: Using Instrumental Variables with Underreported and Imputed Data. The Review of Economics and Statistics 101(3):468-475.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Polenick, Courtney Allyn, Hemphill, Rachel C, Martire, Lynn M. 2016. Spouse confidence and physical function among adults with osteoarthritis: The mediating role of spouse responses to pain. Health Psychology 35(10):1059-1068.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Unayama, Takashi . 2015. Child Benefit Payments and Household Wealth Accumulation. Japanese Economic Review 66(4):447-465.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Yang, Dou-Yan . 2014. Compulsory Education and the Benefits of Schooling. American Economic Review 104(6):1777-92.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Charles, Kerwin. 2013. Employment, Wages, and Voter Turnout. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5(4):111-143.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Krupka, E . 2013. The stability of measured time preferences. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 85:11-19.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Unayama, T . 2012. The impact of retirement on household consumption in Japan. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 26(1):62-83.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Cook, A , Gaynor, M , Taylor, Lowell J. 2012. The effect of a hospital nurse staffing mandate on patient health outcomes: Evidence from California's minimum staffing regulation. Journal of Health Economics 31(2):340-348.
- Stephens Jr,Melvin, Unayama, Takashi . 2011. The Consumption Response to Seasonal Income: Evidence from Japanese Public Pension Benefits. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3(4):86-118.