Natasha Pilkauskas

Research Associate Professor; Training Faculty
Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy and Research Associate Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy and Research Associate Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
Research Interests:
Dr. Pilkauskas’ broad research interest is the health, development, and wellbeing of low-income families. She examines the effects of material hardship, unemployment, poverty, and public policy on families and children, focusing on the role of private support networks – particularly grandparents – in helping families make ends meet.
Select Publications
- Natasha Pilkauskas, Katherine Michelmore, Kovski, Nicole. 2024. The Effects of the 2021 Child Tax Credit on Housing Affordability and the Living Arrangements of Families With Low Incomes. Demography 61(4):1069-1096.
- Natasha Pilkauskas, Katherine Michelmore, Kovski, Nicole, Luke Shaefer. 2024. The expanded Child Tax Credit and economic wellbeing of low-income families. Journal of Population Economics 37(4):1-35.
- Amorim, Mariana, Natasha Pilkauskas. 2023. “Excess” Doubling Up During COVID: Changes in Children’s Shared Living Arrangements. Demography 60(5):1283-1307.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Bruns, Angela . 2019. Multiple Job Holding and Mental Health among Low-Income Mothers. Women's Health Issues 29(3):205-212.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Michelmore, Katherine . 2019. The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Housing and Living Arrangements. Demography 56(4):1303-1326.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Duque, Valentina , Garfinkel, Irwin . 2018. Assets among low-income families in the Great Recession. PLoS ONE 13(2):e0192370.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne , Waldfogel, Jane . 2018. Maternal employment stability in early childhood: Links with child behavior and cognitive skills.. Developmental Psychology 54(3):410-427.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Cross, Christina . 2018. Beyond the Nuclear Family: Trends in Children Living in Shared Households. Demography 55(6):2283-2297.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Campbell, Colin , Wimer, Christopher . 2017. Giving Unto Others: Private Financial Transfers and Hardship Among Families With Children. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(3):705-722.
- Pilkauskas,Natasha, Amorim, Mariana , Dunifon, Rachel . 2017. The magnitude and timing of grandparental coresidence during childhood in the United States. Demographic Research 37(52):1695-1706.