Achyuta Adhvaryu, Economics & public policy
J. Trent Alexander, Demography
George C. Alter, History
Barbara A. Anderson, Sociology
Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Sociology
William G. Axinn, Sociology
Lauren Falcao Bergquist, Economics
C. Hoyt Bleakley, Economics
John Bound, Economics
Charles C. Brown, Economics
Elizabeth Eve Bruch, Sociology
Thomas C. Buchmueller, Economics
Sarah Burgard, Sociology and Epidemiology
Erin A. Cech, Sociology
Philippa J. Clarke, Social Science and Health
Frederick G. Conrad, Survey Methodology
Pamela E. Davis-Kean, Social Psychology
Reynolds Farley, Sociology
Jessica Faul, Epidemiology
David Featherman, Social Psychology
Paul J. Fleming, Health Behavior and Health Education
Paula Fomby, Sociology
William H. Frey, Sociology
Tom E. Fricke, Anthropology
Margaret Frye, Sociology
Arline T. Geronimus, Public Health/ Behavioral Sciences
Dirgha J. Ghimire, Sociology and Demography
Steven Heeringa, Biostatistics
Sara Heller, Public Policy
Albert Hermalin, Sociology and Anthropology
Sabrina Hermosilla, Epidemiology
Margaret Hicken, Public Health
James S. House, Social Psychology
Mengyao Hu, Survey Methodology
Pamela Jagger, Public Policy
Susan Jekielek, Sociology
David S. Johnson, Economics
John E. Knodel, Sociology
Antonios Koumpias, Economics
Amanda Kowalski, Economics & public policy
Daniel J. Kruger, Psychology
Jeff Kullgren, Internal Medicine
Yasamin Kusunoki, Public Health
David Lam, Economics
Sunghee Lee, Survey Methodology
Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, Anthropology
J. Trent Alexander, Demography
George C. Alter, History
Barbara A. Anderson, Sociology
Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Sociology
William G. Axinn, Sociology
Lauren Falcao Bergquist, Economics
C. Hoyt Bleakley, Economics
John Bound, Economics
Charles C. Brown, Economics
Elizabeth Eve Bruch, Sociology
Thomas C. Buchmueller, Economics
Sarah Burgard, Sociology and Epidemiology
Erin A. Cech, Sociology
Philippa J. Clarke, Social Science and Health
Frederick G. Conrad, Survey Methodology
Pamela E. Davis-Kean, Social Psychology
Reynolds Farley, Sociology
Jessica Faul, Epidemiology
David Featherman, Social Psychology
Paul J. Fleming, Health Behavior and Health Education
Paula Fomby, Sociology
William H. Frey, Sociology
Tom E. Fricke, Anthropology
Margaret Frye, Sociology
Arline T. Geronimus, Public Health/ Behavioral Sciences
Dirgha J. Ghimire, Sociology and Demography
Steven Heeringa, Biostatistics
Sara Heller, Public Policy
Albert Hermalin, Sociology and Anthropology
Sabrina Hermosilla, Epidemiology
Margaret Hicken, Public Health
James S. House, Social Psychology
Mengyao Hu, Survey Methodology
Pamela Jagger, Public Policy
Susan Jekielek, Sociology
David S. Johnson, Economics
John E. Knodel, Sociology
Antonios Koumpias, Economics
Amanda Kowalski, Economics & public policy
Daniel J. Kruger, Psychology
Jeff Kullgren, Internal Medicine
Yasamin Kusunoki, Public Health
David Lam, Economics
Sunghee Lee, Survey Methodology
Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, Anthropology
Margaret Levenstein, Economics
Helen Levy, Economics
Elisa Maria Maffioli, Health Policy and Economics
Robert Manduca, Sociology
John E. Marcotte, Demography
Carlos Mendes de Leon, Sociomedical Sciences
Richard A. Miech, Sociology & Public Health
Sarah Miller, Economics & public policy
Colter Mitchell, Sociology
Okeoma Mmeje, Medicine
Jeffrey Morenoff, Sociology
Michael G. Mueller-Smith, Economics
Alexandra Murphy, Sociology and Social Policy
Belinda L. Needham, Epidemiology
Edward Norton, Economics
Meghan O’Neil, Sociology
Mary Beth Ofstedal, Sociology
Jason Owen-Smith, Sociology
Brian E. Perron, Social Work
Fabian T. Pfeffer, Sociology
Amy M. Pienta, Sociology
Natasha V. Pilkauskas, Public Policy
Keshav Pokhrel, Statistics
J.J. Prescott, Law and Economics
Ana Reynoso, Economics
Paul W. Rhode, Economics
Joseph P. Ryan, Social Work
Narayan Sastry, Public Affairs and Demography
Robert F. Schoeni, Economics
John E. Schulenberg, Human Development & Family Studies
Kristin Seefeldt, Public Policy and Sociology
H. Luke Shaefer, Social Work
Yajuan Si, Statistics
Pamela Smock, Sociology
Melvin Stephens, Jr, Economics
Rob Stephenson, Medical Demography
Alexandra Minna Stern, History
Sarah Anne Stoddard, Nursing
Heather Ann Thompson, History
Arland Thornton, Sociology
Tiffany C.E. Veinot, Information & Media Studies
Lois M. Verbrugge, Sociology
James Wagner, Survey Methodology
Brady T. West, Survey Methodology
Dean Yang, Economics
Yun Zhou, Sociology
Helen Levy, Economics
Elisa Maria Maffioli, Health Policy and Economics
Robert Manduca, Sociology
John E. Marcotte, Demography
Carlos Mendes de Leon, Sociomedical Sciences
Richard A. Miech, Sociology & Public Health
Sarah Miller, Economics & public policy
Colter Mitchell, Sociology
Okeoma Mmeje, Medicine
Jeffrey Morenoff, Sociology
Michael G. Mueller-Smith, Economics
Alexandra Murphy, Sociology and Social Policy
Belinda L. Needham, Epidemiology
Edward Norton, Economics
Meghan O’Neil, Sociology
Mary Beth Ofstedal, Sociology
Jason Owen-Smith, Sociology
Brian E. Perron, Social Work
Fabian T. Pfeffer, Sociology
Amy M. Pienta, Sociology
Natasha V. Pilkauskas, Public Policy
Keshav Pokhrel, Statistics
J.J. Prescott, Law and Economics
Ana Reynoso, Economics
Paul W. Rhode, Economics
Joseph P. Ryan, Social Work
Narayan Sastry, Public Affairs and Demography
Robert F. Schoeni, Economics
John E. Schulenberg, Human Development & Family Studies
Kristin Seefeldt, Public Policy and Sociology
H. Luke Shaefer, Social Work
Yajuan Si, Statistics
Pamela Smock, Sociology
Melvin Stephens, Jr, Economics
Rob Stephenson, Medical Demography
Alexandra Minna Stern, History
Sarah Anne Stoddard, Nursing
Heather Ann Thompson, History
Arland Thornton, Sociology
Tiffany C.E. Veinot, Information & Media Studies
Lois M. Verbrugge, Sociology
James Wagner, Survey Methodology
Brady T. West, Survey Methodology
Dean Yang, Economics
Yun Zhou, Sociology