Recipients of PSC Small Grant Awards
The Impact of Community Health Centers on Health, 1965-1980; Emergency Contraception and Women’s Reproductive Freedom
Martha J. Bailey, Andrew Goodman-Bacon, and Sayeh Nikpay

Summer support for student work:
(1) The Impact of Community Health Centers on Health, 1965-1980
by Martha J. Bailey and Andrew Goodman-Bacon
Under the War on Poverty, the U.S. experimented with the public provision of health care to the poor through the Neighborhood Health Center (NHC) program. NHCs were intended to complement Medicare and Medicaid by reducing nonfinancial barriers to health care and providing more continuous care than traditional hospital out-patient services. This project compiles data from Public Health Center reports on the national roll-out of NHCs to evaluate their impact on age-specific mortality rates by age and cause of death.
(2) Emergency Contraception and Women’s Reproductive Freedom
by Sayeh Nikpay
Emergency contraception represents an advance in women’s reproductive freedom by enhancing their ability to control their fertility. Little research studies the impact of emergency contraception on indicators of women’s reproductive freedom such as ability to delay first birth or marriage, and existing research on the impact of emergency contraception on unintended pregnancies and births suffers from methodological limitations and sample selection issues. Using nationally representative data, I will study the effect of emergency contraception on unintended births and other indicators of women’s reproductive freedom using a quasi-experimental research design arising from state-level policy-variation.
Funding Period: 2/1/2010 to 6/30/2011