Recipients of PSC Small Grant Awards
Public Housing Demolition, Relocation and Health in Atlanta, Georgia
Danya Keene

The proposed research offers to bring a much needed public health perspective to the policy discourse surrounding public-housing demolition by using in-depth semi-structured interviews to explore the lived experience of demolition and relocation among residents of Atlanta’s most recently demolished public-housing projects. Through the use of subject-centered methodologies that are largely absent from existing studies of public housing relocation, this research can provide a deeper understanding of the relocation experience and its relationship to health. Specifically, this study will explore how demolition and relocation have shaped exposure to psychosocial and material stressors and access to coping resources. It will also use an age stratified sample to explore differences in relocation experiences between non-elderly and elderly public housing residents. The sample for this in-depth study is nested within a larger quantitative survey of relocation and health that is being conducted by faculty at Georgia State University. This nested study design will also provide a unique opportunity to triangulate quantitative data about health outcomes with rich qualitative data. This qualitative data can provide insight into the mechanisms and underlying processes that contribute to health among relocated individuals. This projected is jointly funded by the National Poverty Center and the Population Studies Center.
Funding Source: PSC Initiatives
Funding Period: 2/1/2010 to 6/30/2011