Recipients of PSC Small Grant Awards
Prisoner Reentry Pilot Study, Phase II
David J. Harding, Jeffrey Morenoff
We seek a small grant from the PSC Mueller fund to support Phase II of our Pilot Study on Prisoner Reentry in Southeast Michigan. This research is a qualitative study of the experiences of 24 individuals (16 men, 8 women) released from the Michigan Department of Corrections in the second half of 2007. It involves in-depth, semi-structured interviews with these individuals regarding their pre-prison, prison, and post-prison experiences. Its goals are (1) to identify and describe the economic and social processes that structure the labor market and recidivism outcomes of individuals released from prison and (2) to lay the methodological groundwork for a larger, externally funded, longitudinal study of individuals released from prison. Other funding (from OVPR and Rackham) is supporting an in-prison interview and two follow-up interviews (conducted one month and two months after release) with each subject. We seek funding to extend our study by three additional interviews to be conducted 6, 9 and 12 months after each subject’s release from prison.
PSC-Ford Funds
Funding Period: 12/31/2007 to 3/31/2009
Subsequent Projects:
Jeffrey Morenoff, David J. Harding. Using Michigan Sentencing Guidelines to Estimate Effects of Incarceration and Probation on Reoffending and Employment (NSF) 2011-2014.
Jeffrey Morenoff. Reintegration of Formerly Incarcerated Young Adults (NSF) 2011-2014.
Jeffrey Morenoff, David J. Harding. Neighborhoods, Recidivism, and Employment among Returning Prisoners (DoJ) 2008-2011.
Jeffrey Morenoff, David J. Harding. The Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative: A Plan for Comprehensive Evaluation (Michigan Department of Corrections) 2008-2009.