Recipients of PSC Small Grant Awards
Data Dissemination and Data Analysis Workshop in Nepal
Prem B. Bhandari
This is a proposal for a PSC Small Grant concerning the continuation of organizing a data dissemination and data analysis workshop in Nepal. The proposed project aims to organize a data dissemination and data analysis workshop in Nepal for research scholars involved in various organizations in Nepal and South Asia. This proposal has three primary goals. The first goal is to provide an overview of the Population Studies Center (PSC) researchers led program of research in Nepal. The second goal is to disseminate community-, household- and individual-level data generated through PSC researchers led programs of research in Nepal. The third goal is to promote the use of our data through providing hands-on training with appropriate data analysis techniques. This project stems from PSC’s broader and continued interest in fostering social demographic research in developing countries and to promote durable ties between the Center and overseas scholars and institutions to enhance social science research capacity around the world, particularly in countries with long-term collaborative ties. PSC researchers led research programs have been highly successful in generating a wealth of ethnographic, survey, environmental and spatial data. However, despite PSC’s substantial investment, both through the extramural research funding and researchers’ efforts, these rich data sets have not been explored to their full potential. Moreover, the lack of understanding about the data and appropriate data analysis skills among users here in the US, Nepal, and South Asia in particular, has been a major obstacle in facilitating their use. This project is specifically designed to address this problem. To accomplish our goals, a 5-day workshop will be organized in Nepal. Participants will include researchers, teaching faculty and graduate students from collaborating institutions, and universities and research institutions in Nepal and South Asia. This project will be a collaborative venture between PSC and the Institute for Social and Environmental Research- Nepal (ISER-N)—PSC’s long-term collaborative partner in Nepal. Bhandari will lead this project in close collaboration with research staff in Nepal. With this support, PSC will invest resources to disseminate our data as well as strengthen and reinforce ties between PSC and its collaborating institutions in Nepal and the region. This will also open avenues for possible collaboration with other organizations in Nepal and South Asia. This project will directly serve PSC’s goal of international population training and research.