Recipients of PSC Small Grant Awards
Cross-National Data on Early Life Conditions and Older Adult Health in Low, Middle and High Income Countries: A Pilot to Examine Data Quality
Mary McEniry
Cross-national comparative studies of aging provide a way to view and understand patterns and trends across diverse countries and regions. Yet, until recently there has been a paucity of cross-national data from surveys of older adults in low-and middle-income countries, and concerns remain regarding the quality of data in these settings. The overall goal of this pilot project is to build on a previous project to examine early life conditions and older adult health in the developing world. As part of this project, data from major studies of aging adults in low-, middle-, and high-income countries were harmonized and compiled to produce an extensive cross-national dataset of more than 147,000 older adults in 20 countries. This pilot project will use a subset of the cross-national data to: (1) More thoroughly examine the degree to which missing information is problematic; (2) Determine the degree to which underestimation of health by older adults from surveys affects modeling results; (3) More thoroughly review the degree to which unobserved heterogeneity introduces bias.
Funding: PSC Pilot Funds
Funding Period: 10/1/2012 to 9/30/2013