Ronald Freedman, Select Career Publications
Dr. Freedman, elected to the National Academy of Sciences, studied reproductive behavior in American and overseas populations, especially in Asia. His interests in developing overseas resources for demographic research were reflected in his roles as coordinator of the Taiwan Population Studies Center (1961-1964) and consultant to family planning programs in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and China, to the Rockefeller and Hewlett Foundations, the Population Council, the World Bank, and the Demographic and Health Surveys.
Freedman, Ronald. 1997. “Do Family Planning Programs Affect Fertility Preferences? A Literature Review.” Studies in Family Planning, 29(1): 1-13. Abstract. Public Access.
Freedman, Ronald, Ming-Cheng Chang, and Te Hsiung Sun. 1994. “Taiwan’s Transition from High Fertility to Below-Replacement Levels.” Studies in Family Planning, 25(6): 317-31. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Deborah Freedman. “Policy Options at the End of the Demographic Transition: Taiwan, 1993.” Industry of Free China, 80, no.6 (December 1993): 25-36. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Ann K. Blanc. “Fertility Transition: An Update.” International Family Planning Perspectives, 18, no.2 (June 1992): 44-50. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Ann K. Blanc. “Fertility Transition: An Update.” International Family Planning Perspectives, 18(1992): 44-50. Abstract.
Lavely, William, and Ronald Freedman. “The Origins of the Chinese Fertility Decline.” Demography, 27, no.3 (August 1990): 357-67. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. “Family Planning Programs in the Third World.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 510(July1990): 33-43. Abstract.
Lavely, William, Xiao Zhenyu, Li Bohua, and Ronald Freedman. 1990. “The Rise in Female Education in China: National and Regional Patterns.” China Quarterly, 121: 61-93. Abstract.
Weinstein, Maxine, Te Hsiung Sun, Ming-Cheng Chang, and Ronald Freedman. “Household Composition, Extended Kinship, and Reproduction in Taiwan: 1965-1985.” Population Studies, 44(1990): 217-39. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Shenyang Guo. “Response of a Traditional Fishing Community to China’s Family Planning Program: A Case Study.” International Family Planning Perspectives, 14, no.4 (December 1988): 131-6. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, Xiao Zhenyu, Li Bohua, and William Roger Lavely. “Local Area Variations in Reproductive Behaviour in the People’s Republic of China, 1973-1982.” Population Studies, 42(1988): 39-57. Abstract.
Chang, Ming-Cheng, Ronald Freedman, and Te Hsiung Sun. “Trends in Fertility, Family Size Preferences, and Family Planning Practice: Taiwan, 1961-85.” Studies in Family Planning, 18, no.6, Part I (November/December 1987): 338-19. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. “The Contribution of Social Science Research to Population Policy and Family Planning Program Effectiveness.” Studies in Family Planning, 8, no.2 (March/April 1987): 57-82. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. “Policy Options after the Demographic Transition: The Case of Taiwan.” Population and Development Review, 12, no.1 (March 1986): 77-100. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, Ming-Cheng Chang, and Te Hsiung Sun. “Household Composition, Extended Kinship and Reproduction in Taiwan: 973-1980.” Population Studies, 36, no. 3 (November 1982): 395-411. Abstract.
Chang, Ming-Cheng, Ronald Freedman, and Te Hsiung Sun. “Trends in Fertility, Family Size Preferences, and Family Planning Practice: Taiwan, 1961-80.” Studies in Family Planning, 12, no. 5 (May 1981): 211-28. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, S. Khoo, and B. Supraptilah. “Use of Modern Contraceptives in Indonesia: A Challenge to the Conventional Wisdom.” International Family Planning Perspectives, 7, no. 1 (March 1981): 3-15. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, D. Freedman, and Arland Thornton. 1980. “Changes in Fertility Expectations and Preferences between 1962-1977: Their Relation to Final Parity.” Demography, 17(4): 365-78. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. “Theories of Fertility Decline: A Reappraisal.” Social Forces, 58, no. 1 (September 1979): 1-17. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, B. Moots, and S. Wei. “Differential Fertility in Taiwan: 1972-1974.” Academia Economic Papers, 7, no. 2 (September 1979): 79-111.
Coombs, Lolagene C., and Ronald Freedman. “Some Roots of Preference: Roles, Activities and Familial Values.” Demography, 16, no. 3 (August 1979): 359-76. Abstract.
Hermalin, Albert, Ronald Freedman, Te Hsiung Sun, and Ming-cheng Chang. 1979. “Do Intentions Predict Fertility? The Experience in Taiwan, 1967-74.” Studies in Family Planning, 10(3): 75-95. DOI.
House, James S., James S. House, Ronald Freedman, Ivan Light, Rose Coser, Hugh F. Cline, Howard S. Becker, Athena Theodore, et al. 1978. “Review of ‘Dissent of the Governed’.” Sociology and Social Research, 62(2): 294-296.
Freedman, Ronald, B. Moots, Te Hsiung Sun, and M.B. Weinberger. “Household Composition and Extended Kinship in Taiwan.” Population Studies, 32, no. 1 (March 1978): 65-80. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, Albert Hermalin, and Ming-Cheng Chang. 1975. “Do Statements about Desired Family Size Predict Fertility? The Case of Taiwan, 1967-1970.” Demography, 12(3): 407-16. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. 1974. “Trends in Fertility, Family Size Preferences, and Practice of Family Planning: Taiwan, 1965-1973.” Studies in Family Planning, 5(9): 270-88. DOI. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, Lolagene C. Coombs, and Ming Cheng Chang. 1972. “Trends in Family Size Preferences and Practice of Family Planning: Taiwan, 1965-1970.” Studies in Family Planning, 3(12): 281-96. DOI. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, Albert Hermalin, and Te Hsiung Sun. 1972. “Fertility Trends in Taiwan: 1961-1970.” Population Index, 38(2): 141-66.
Freedman, Ronald, Anrudh K. Jain, Albert Hermalin, and Te-Hsiung Sun. 1971. “Fertility after Insertation of an IUCD in Taiwan’s Family-Planning Program.” Social Biology, 18(1): 46-54. Abstract.
Jain, Anrudh K., T.C. Hsu, Ronald Freedman, and Ming-cheng Chang. “Demographic Aspects of Lactation and Postpartum Amenorrhea.” Demography, 7, no. 2 (1970): 255-71. Abstract.
Coombs, Lolagene C., Ronald Freedman, J. Friedman, and William F. Pratt. “Premarital Pregnancy and Status Before and After Marriage.” American Journal of Sociology, 75, no. 5 (1970): 800-20. DOI. Abstract.
Coombs, Lolagene C., and Ronald Freedman. “Premarital Pregnancy, Childspacing and Later Economic Achievement.” Population Studies, 24, no. 3 (1970): 389-412. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, D.N. Namboothiri, A. Adlakha, and K.C. Chan. “Hong Kong’s Fertility Decline 1961-68.” Population Index, 36, no. 1 (1970): 3-18.
Coombs, Lolagene C., Ronald Freedman, and D.N. Namboothiri. “Inferences about Abortion from Foetal Mortality Data.” Population Studies, 23, no. 2 (1969): 247-65. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and A. Adlakha. “Recent Fertility Declines in Hong Kong.” Population Studies, 22, no. 2 (1968): 181-98. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, LienPin Chow, Robert G. Potter, and Anrudh K. Jain. “Correlates of IUD Termination in a Mass Family Planning Program.” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 46(1968): 215-236C. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, R.G. Potter, and L.P. Chow. “Taiwan’s Family Planning Program.” Science, 160(1968): 848-53.
Freedman, Ronald, and J. Muller. 1967. “The Continuing Fertility Decline in Taiwan: 1965.” Population Index, 33(1): 3-17. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and J. Takeshita. 1967. “Measuring Acceptances in a Family Planning Program: The Decomposition of Rates by Eligibility Criteria.” Demography, 4(1): 158-71. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Lolagene C. Coombs. 1966. “Economic Considerations in Family Growth Decisions.” Population Studies, 20(2): 197-222. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Lolagene C. Coombs. 1966. “Childspacing and Family Economic Position.” American Sociological Review, 31(5): 631-48. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, Lolagene C. Coombs, and J. Friedman. 1966. “Social Correlates of Fetal Mortality.” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 44 (3, part 1): 327-44. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and L. Bumpass. 1966. “Fertility Expectations in the United States: 1962-64.” Population Index, 32(2): 181-197.
Freedman, Ronald, and J.Y. Takeshita. 1965. “Studies of Fertility and Family Limitation in Taiwan.” Eugenics Quarterly, 12(4): 233-50.
Freedman, Ronald. 1965. “The Transition from High to Low Fertility: Challenge to Demographers.” Population Index, 31(4): 417-29. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. 1965. “The Accelerating Fertility Decline in Taiwan.” Population Index, 31(4): 430-35. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, David Goldberg, and L. Bumpass. 1965. “Current Fertility Expectations of Married Couples in the United States: 1963.” Population Index, 31(1): 3-20.
Freedman, Ronald, David Goldberg, and L. Bumpass. 1965. “Stability and Change in Expectations about Family Size: A Longitudinal Study.” Demography, 2(1-2): 250-75. Abstract.
Duncan, Otis D., Ronald Freedman, J. Michael Coble, and D.P. Slesinger. 1965. “Marital Fertility and Size of Family of Orientation.” Demography, 2(1-2): 508-15.
Freedman, Ronald, J.Y. Takeshita, and Te Hsiung Sun. 1964. “Fertility and Family Planning in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Demographic Transition.” American Journal of Sociology, 70(1): 16-27. DOI. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, David Goldberg, and Doris Slesinger. 1964. “Fertility Expectations in the United States: 1963.” Population Index, 30(2): 171-75.
Coombs, L.C., and Ronald Freedman. 1964. “Use of Telephone Interviews in a Longitudinal Fertility Study.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 28(1): 112-17.
Freedman, Ronald, and Clyde Coombs. 1963. “Current Fertility Expectations of Married Couples in the U. S.” Population Index, 29(4): 366-91.
Freedman, Ronald. 1963. “Fertility Trends in Taiwan: Tradition and Change.” Population Studies, 16(3): 219-36. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. 1963. “Norms for Family Size in Underdeveloped Areas.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 159(1963): 220-45.
Freedman, Ronald, and D. Slesinger. 1961. “Fertility Differentials for the Indigenous Non-Farm Population of the U. S.” Population Studies, 15(2): 161-73. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, P.K. Whelpton, and J.W. Smit. 1961. “Socioeconomic Factors in Religious Differentials in Fertility.” American Sociological Review, 26(4): 608-14. Abstract.
Freedman, D., Ronald Freedman, and P.K. Whelpton. 1960. “Size of Family and Preference for Children of Each Sex.” American Journal of Sociology, 66(4): 141-46. DOI. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, G. Baumert, and M. Bolte. 1959. “Expected Family Size Values in West Germany.” Population Studies, 13(2): 136-50. Abstract.
Goldberg, David, H. Sharp, and Ronald Freedman. 1959. “The Stability and Reliability of Expected Family Size Data.” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 37(4): 369-85.
Thornton, Arland, Ronald Freedman, and William G. Axinn. 2002. “Intergenerational Panel Study of Parents and Children.” In Looking at Lives: American Longitudinal Studies of the Twentieth Century edited by Erin Phelps, Frank F Furstenberg and Anne Colby. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. “Observing Taiwan’s Demographic Transition: A Memoir.” PSC Research Report No. 98-426. 10 1998. Abstract.
Hermalin, Albert, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Ronald Freedman, Ming-cheng Chang, and Carol Roan. “Methodological Considerations in Aligning Independent Surveys of Parental Support from Older and Younger Generations: With Illustrative Data from Taiwan.” Elderly in Asia Report No. 96-38. 12 1996. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald, and Joseph Lee. 1989. “The Fertility Transition in Hong Kong: 1961-1987.” PSC Research Report No. 89-159. 9 1989. Abstract.
Freedman, Ronald. “On the Tendency to Underestimate the Rate of Social Change: A Cautionary Note.” PSC Research Report No. 86-95. 6 1986.
Freedman, Ronald, Te Hsiung Sun, K.C. Liu, and Ming-cheng Chang. “Policy Options in the Second Stage of the Demographic Transition: The Case of Taiwan.” PSC Research Report No. 85-88. 11 1985.
Thornton, Arland, Ronald Freedman, Te Hsiung Sun, and Ming-cheng Chang. “Intergenerational Behavior in Taiwan: 1980.” PSC Research Report No. 84-59. 6 1984.
Freedman, Ronald. 1995. “Asia’s Recent Fertility Decline and Prospects for Future Demographic Change.” Asia-Pacific Population Research Reports No. 1 Abstract.