
Jake Hays

Jake Hays


Jake Hays is a National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center, affiliated with the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics and the Population Studies Center.

Jake received a PhD in Sociology, with a Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Demography, from The Ohio State University.

Broadly, Jake’s research centers around family demography, social inequality, and the life course. His three lines of research examine (1) how social and economic forces shape patterns of family formation across the life course; (2) the consequences of family and household contexts; and (3) how life course processes shape social inequality. His research has appeared in peer-reviewed outlets such as Journal of Marriage and Family, Demographic Research, and International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. Jake conducts research using quantitative and demographic methods and population-representative panel datasets.

