Yun Zhou
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Assistant Professor of International Institute, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Research Interests:
Yun Zhou is a social demographer and family sociologist. With a theory-driven mixed-methods approach, her research examines social inequality and state-market-family relations through the lens of gender, marriage, and reproduction.
Zhou’s primary interests include gender, fertility, union formation, politics of reproduction, population policy, and innovative methods. Her work combines statistical analysis of survey data, original in-depth interviews, and agent-based computational modeling. Intersecting the studies of population and politics, Zhou’s current project investigates the demographic, political, and gendered consequences of China’s reproductive governance.
Before moving to Ann Arbor, Zhou completed her postdoctoral training (2017-2019) as a Postdoctoral Research Associate of Population Studies at the Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University.