Student volunteers needed for IAPHS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, Oct 3-5. Register July 23.
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science is looking for student members to serve as Meeting Volunteers at the 2018 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. October 3-5, 2018.Each accepted volunteer will be required to work 11-13 hours during the course of the meeting. Complimentary meeting registration will be offered in exchange for volunteer hours. Applicants must be current 2018 Student Members of IAPHS. Applications will be accepted beginning on Thursday, July 23, 2018 at noon. Applicants must indicate their top 12 time preferences for volunteering. Positions are limited and fill quickly. We encourage you to plan in advance your preferred options and to make sure your membership is current. Applicants will be notified by Wednesday, August 15, 2018 of their involvement in the program.