
Sheldon Danziger named 2010 AAPSS Fellow

June 02, 2010

On May 13, 2010 Sheldon Danziger was inducted as the John Kenneth Galbraith Fellow of the Academy American Academy of Policy and Social Science (AAPSS) at the Newseum in Washington, DC. Fellows are selected not only for their contributions to the field of public policy, but their dedication to sharing research with real world policy makers and the general public.In inducting him, AAPSS Fellow Kenneth Prewitt noted “For nearly half a century Sheldon has been in the thick of scholarly attention to and policy debates about inequalities, lamenting that ‘Poverty remains high not because of a shortage of effective antipoverty options but because the public and policy-makers have not made reducing poverty a priority.’ He shares that troubling conclusion with John Kenneth Galbraith, as he does a concern to plug away at correcting that flaw in the body politic.”