
Levy et al. find Michigan’s Medicaid expansion boosted state’s economy while increasing number of insured

January 05, 2017

An analysis of the impact of the Healthy Michigan Plan, supported by Federal funds expanding Medicaid under the ACA, finds that the Plan has had a positive economic ripple effect, generating new jobs, increasing personal spending and tax revenue, and saving money on other state-supported programs. The study, by Helen Levy and colleagues, looks at current and expected future benefits of the expansion. Levy says: “The Healthy Michigan Plan has not only covered more than 600,000 Michiganders – most of whom had been uninsured – it has also lightened the economic load on the state, on families and businesses, and on health care providers. Federal spending through Medicaid gives a big boost to the state’s economy.”

More about Levy et al. find Michigan’s Medicaid expansion boosted state’s economy while increasing number of insured >