Call for Papers: Cumulative Dis/Advantage: Innovations in Research and Theory (Journals of Gerontology Series B)
CALL FOR PAPERSSUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 1, 2019Journals of Gerontology Series BCumulative dis/advantage (CDA) perspectives are among the most inuential theoreticalframeworks in social gerontology. These perspectives argue that relatively small differences earlyin life can widen over the life course, as early advantages beget further advantages, and earlyadversities give rise to additional and accumulating adversities. Together, these processescontribute to increasing inequality with age. e CDA model has been critical to understandingand delineating life course influences that contribute to disparities in older adults’ economic,physical, and psychological well-being.Three decades have passed since the initial statements of CDA were published. Sociologist DaleDannefer has revisited key themes of this inuential model in his new article “Systemic andReexive: Foundations of Cumulative Dis/Advantage and Life-Course Processes”( is article sheds light on underdeveloped and sometimesmisunderstood aspects of the framework, and oers an updated model that incorporates micro-,meso-, and macro-level processes that contribute to inequalities over the life course. is rich andthought-provoking article provides an ideal springboard for launching a new generation ofresearch on CDA.In this special issue, we invite original research reporting cutting-edge empirical assessments ofcumulative dis/advantage perspectives, with an eye toward identifying conceptual advances andexpansions. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are welcome, and the use of longitudinaldata is encouraged.Before submission, authors should carefully read the Social Sciences section of e Journals ofGerontology Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences Author Guidelines located Queries regarding submissions should be sent to Deborah Carr (Editor) [email protected]. Manuscripts should be uploaded to according tothe following timetable. Articles will be available in Online Advanced Access shortly after finalacceptance with an anticipated print publication date of July or September 2020.