
Bailey’s study linking Pill access to women’s wage gains bolsters NYT critique of federal anti-contraception moves

March 09, 2018

In their 2012 paper on contraception and the gender gap in wages, Martha Bailey, Brad Hershbein, and Amalia Miller estimate that women’s access to the Pill, starting in the 1960s, “can account for 10 percent of the convergence of the gender gap in the 1980s and 30 percent in the 1990s.” This NYT op ed says this and other evidence on the educational and economic gains for women tied to birth control make it “mind-boggling” that the federal government would want to thwart that progress by rolling back access to contraception. And yet, says the NYT, the current administration “has signaled it may do just that.”

More about Bailey’s study linking Pill access to women’s wage gains bolsters NYT critique of federal anti-contraception moves >