
Anderson discusses impact of Administration’s ongoing pursuit of Citizenship information around the 2020 Census with Michigan Radio

July 12, 2019

Barbara Anderson, PSC Demographer and former chair of the Census Scientific Advisory Committee, discusses impacts of Citizenship information and the 2020 Census with Lester Graham of Michigan Radio’s Stateside. “The Trump administration announced July 11 that it would give up its pursuit of putting a citizenship question on the 2020 Census. But that doesn’t mean it’s a settled issue,” according to Graham. Anderson reminds us the Census has a Constitutional mandate to give a complete enumeration of population, and argues that the Citizenship issue can lead to enormous undercounts of certain groups. At stake is the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives – both the numbers of, and rules for allocation. Additionally, large amounts of federal funds disbursed to regions are based on the Census counts.

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