1/10/18: ISR panel on effects of gentrification on inequality
1/10/2018: ISR invites the community to a discussion on how gentrification maintains and deepens inequities (both racial and socioeconomic), particularly with regard to unequal access to high-quality education.Panel moderator: Dr. Kesha Moore, Associate Professor of Sociology at Drew University and UM alumna.Discussants: Dr. Tam Perry (Assistant Professor of Social Work at Wayne State University and Faculty Associate in ISR’s Research Center for Group Dynamics), Saundra Little (architect and founding partner of Centric Design Studio), Shayna Brown (UM Stamps School of Art and Design alumna), and Lydia Wileden (UM graduate student in sociology, public policy, and ISR’s Population Studies Center).2-4 PM, room 1430 ISR-ThompsonNo RSVP required.