Funded Research by Theme
Reintegration Policies, the Safety Net, and Spillover Impacts of Justice Involvement
These projects will make use of well-developed research designs, carried out using a remarkable set of administrative records. These records include our maturing Criminal Justice Administrative Records System (CJARS), detailed IRS tax and federal and state program participation microdata, and a developing infrastructure of harmonized administrative data to study families and their outcomes in a way that can be linked to justice-involved individuals. Leveraging this wealth of linkable administrative data will produce findings that can inform policy and shape the administration of programs to provide opportunities for reintegration into society for justice-involved individuals.
The most recent figures estimate that over six million individuals are under correctional supervision in the United States (Maruschak & Minton, 2020). The vast majority of these individuals will eventually reenter society and so reintegration policies and safety net programs are critical to support successful outcomes for these individuals and their families (Jonson & Cullen, 2016; Petersilia, 2011). We are proposing a sequence of related research projects that examine a set of policies and family interconnections that can affect social and economic reintegration after involvement with the justice system. These projects will each make use of well-developed research designs, carried out using a remarkable set of administrative records. These records include our maturing Criminal Justice Administrative Records System (CJARS), detailed IRS tax and federal and state program participation microdata, and a developing infrastructure of harmonized administrative data to study families and their outcomes in a way that can be linked to justice-involved individuals. Leveraging this wealth of linkable administrative data will produce findings that can inform policy and shape the administration of programs to provide opportunities for reintegration into society for justice-involved individuals.