Funded Research by Theme
LGBTQ Professionals in STEM: Workplace Experiences and Navigation Strategies of Sexual and Gender Minority Scientists and Engineers

Collaborative Research: SBP: LGBTQ Professionals in STEM: Workplace Experiences and Navigation Strategies of Sexual and Gender Minority Scientists and Engineers
Science and engineering play undeniably influential roles in U.S. security and economic well-being; factors that prevent talented and motivated members of certain groups from succeeding in STEM are of both scholarly and national concern. Our pilot data suggest troubling patterns of bias toward LGBTQ STEM professionals that remain understudied. We are thus compelled to address this lacuna of understanding. This study will provide focus and direction for future research, contribute to the knowledge base for STEM workforce development, enhance broadening participation in STEM, and suggest changes to formal and informal workplace policies to promote LGBTQ inclusion.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) persons face discrimination and bias in the U.S. labor force, with serious consequences for the well-being of this population and for diversity and equality more broadly. Exploratory research suggests that these disadvantages are especially pronounced in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) environments. To systematically investigate this problem, we propose the first ever national-scale social science study of LGBTQ professionals in STEM workplaces. Using an innovative multi-method research design, we identify particular mechanisms at interactional, organizational, and professional levels that reproduce LGBTQ disadvantage in STEM, and strategies that LGBTQ individuals and groups use to navigate these environments.
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Funding period: 9/1/2016-8/31/23