PSC Brown Bag Seminar: David Pedulla (Online only!)
The PSC Brown Bag Series runs live and on Zoom this fall, Mondays from 12 to 12:50 p.m.
David Pedulla of Harvard Sociology presents on Zoom only: Racial Discrimination in Context: The Role of Organizational Policies and Practices in Hiring Discrimination
Hiring discrimination persists against Black job applicants in the United States, serving as a key force in the reproduction of social and economic inequality. In this article, we bridge the organizational inequality and hiring discrimination literatures – bodies of scholarship that have developed largely in parallel – to theorize the ways in which organizational policies and practices play an important role in shaping racial discrimination in hiring. Integrating insights from organizational theory, we argue that organizational policies and practices that increase accountability, transparency, and/or relationships between workers are most likely to reduce racial discrimination in hiring. Empirically, we examine four clusters of organizational policies and practices that vary along these dimensions: individual change programs, public signaling efforts, relational investments, and structural features. Our empirical analysis draws on an original dataset that matches estimates of hiring discrimination from a field experiment with survey data about the organizations that were part of the field experiment. In line with our theoretical argument, we do not find evidence that individual change and public signaling efforts are related to racial discrimination. However, structural features of the organization and certain relational investments, mentoring and networking programs with a racial emphasis, are associated with less racial discrimination. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for scholarship on discrimination, organizations, and social inequality.
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