
PSC Practice Job Talk: Shane Burns
PSC Postdoc Shane Burns presents a practice job talk for PSC: Older Adult Disability in a Rapidly Aging World
Post-socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) generally have worse health outcomes than the rest of Europe. Regional specificities and historical pathways can shape health outcomes later in life, although variance of older adult functional limitation within CEE is understudied.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
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Older Adult Disability in a Rapidly Aging World
Objectives: Post-socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) generally have worse health outcomes than the rest of Europe. Regional specificities and historical pathways can shape health outcomes later in life, although variance of older adult functional limitation within CEE is understudied.
Methods: We used wave 9 (2021-2022) data (n=18,903) from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) with mixed effects regression models to analyze difficulty with mobility, near vision, hearing, and episodic memory among those ages 65+ in the Baltic States (Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania), Visegrád (Czechia; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia), Former Yugoslavia (Croatia; Slovenia), and the Black Sea (Bulgaria; Romania) while accounting for demographic, socioeconomic, health, and social tie indicators.
Results: Age-adjustments showed the highest difficulty rates of: mobility in Romania and Hungary, near vision in Latvia and Bulgaria, hearing in Estonia and Poland, and episodic memory in Poland and Croatia. Compared to the Baltic States, the odds of reporting mobility difficulty were greater in the Black Sea but accounted for by socioeconomic factors. Fully adjusted odds of reporting near vision difficulty were lower in Visegrád and Former Yugoslavia. Fully adjusted odds of reporting hearing difficulty were lower in Visegrád, Former Yugoslavia, and the Black Sea. There were no regional differences in episodic memory.
Discussion: Functional limitation disparities, which were largely shaped by socioeconomic factors, varied throughout CEE. These findings highlight the heterogenous health and long-term care needs of older adults in post-socialist Europe.