Bold Challenges 2024: Pursuing Interdisciplinary Research Opportunities at U-M
University Hall, Alexander G. Ruthven Building, 1109 Geddes Ave.
The University of Michigan supports a wide range of interdisciplinary centers and institutes that help researchers collaborate more effectively and dynamically than ever before. At this event, U-M researchers can learn about these opportunities, meet potential collaborators and find new sources of support for interdisciplinary innovations.
The event will feature lighting talks from leading researchers, discussion on how to generate more competitive proposals and opportunities to network with representatives from the many innovative centers and institutes on campus.
At the event, the 2024 edition of Bold Challenges will also launch. The programs include several improvements, which create new opportunities for U-M faculty to connect with networks, knowledge, training, tools and funding to build interdisciplinary research teams that can help researchers take on the greatest challenges of our state, nation, and world.
Applications for the 2024 Boost cohort will also open February 20. The deadline to apply for spring/summer opportunities is May 13, 2024. More details are available on the Bold Challenges website.