The Population Studies Center (PSC) at the University of Michigan was established in 1961. Originally created as unit of the Department of Sociology, PSC joined the Institute of Social Research in 1998, a move that heightened opportunities for collaborative work and provides better access to knowledge activities focused on survey methodologies, especially those related to large data collections. Presently, PSC has 77 researchers from 12 departments and schools. Eight signature themes collectively describe the research interests of the faculty: 1) family, fertility, and children; 2) health, disability and mortality; 3) human capital, labor, and wealth; 4) aging; 5) population dynamics; 6) inequality and group disparities; 7) methodology; and 8) international studies. Since 2005, PSC fellows, trainees, and staff published more than1200 articles, book chapters, edited volumes, and monographs. This is an exceptional rate of productivity. As of July 2010, PSC has housed 58 funded research projects and has provided infrastructure support for 52 others, covering all eight signature theme areas. PSC is currently in year three of a successful pilot grant program, funded by several endowments, which are helping to increase the number and scope of successful external funding proposals. Since 2005, PSC funded projects have increased from $5.9 million to $8.5 million during fiscal 2010. The present application seeks support to continue responding to, building on, and synergizing our strengths. To this end, support is requested for four research service cores: administrative, computer, information services, and methodology, along with a new developmental core.