We seek to create new large-scale data to address important and difficult questions in social, behavioral, and economic (SBE) research: ?how have the determinants of economic success, social mobility, family structure, and health changed over the 20th century in the U.S.??

The proposed large-scale dataset will be called the Longitudinal Intergenerational Family Electronic Micro-Dataset (LIFE-M), which will broaden knowledge by (1) compiling micro-data records from individual vital records (births, marriages, and deaths); (2) exploiting new statistical and software technology to link individual vital records across time, inter-generationally, and to the 1880, 1910, and 1940 full censuses; and (4) creating new longitudinal and intergeneration micro-data and processing programs to facilitate analyses of these data by SBE researchers. Using millions of micro-data records, LIFE-M answers the NSF call 15-523 to develop user-friendly, large-scale data resources and relevant analytic techniques capable of making significant impacts across disciplinary areas.