
Applications due for ISR GSRA Tuition Support Program, May 1

April 07, 2017

The ISR GSRA Tuition Support Program – funded by LS&A, Rackham and UMOR – is designed to increase the number of GSRAs across the ISR Centers and Research Programs. Applications are due, Monday, May 1, 2017.Funds will cover the candidacy-level tuition, and associated registration fees, for the fall and winter terms for approved GSRAs appointed on ISR projects. Please note that applications for pre-candidate level students will be accepted with the specific knowledge that, if approved, only candidacy-level tuition support will be provided and another source of funding must be stated and confirmed by the appropriate center authority to cover the differential between the pre-candidate and candidate tuition cost.  It is also important to note that the GSRA appointments must be funded for 12-months at 50% time.Decisions about the distribution of the GSRA funding will be made by the ISR Administrative Committee.