
Jane Furey

Jane Furey


Jane Furey is a PhD candidate in Public Policy and Sociology at the University of Michigan, where she is also pursuing a master’s degree in Statistics. Her research is broadly focused on how variation in access to and returns to education is associated with socioeconomic and racial inequality. Jane’s dissertation explores educational attainment over the life course and investigates the extent to which education attained later in adulthood benefits individuals and reduces inequality. She aims to produce research that contributes to our understanding of heterogeneity in educational experiences and outcomes among adults. Jane’s work has been published in the American Sociological ReviewResearch on Social Stratification and Mobility, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, and the Journal for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Jane is a predoctoral trainee at the University of Michigan’s Population Studies Center and a student fellow at the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics. She is also a 2023 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellow and a recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Brown University and previously worked as an education policy evaluator at Abt Associates in Cambridge, MA.

