PSC Brown Bag Seminar: Maggie Frye
PSC’s Brown Bag seminar series typically convenes Mondays at noon, at ISR Thompson Room 1430, and on Zoom.
Maggie Frye (University of Michigan) joins us Jan. 27, 2025.
The Educational Differentiation of African Birth Timing
As educational access has expanded across Africa, birth timing has remained quite stable. Using data representing 51 birth cohorts and 34 countries, we show that these modest aggregate changes mask more dramatic changes within educational groups. Over time, educational attainment has become an increasingly salient predictor of birth timing, as highly-educated women have delayed their first births and lengthened their subsequent birth intervals more. The educational differentiation of birth timing also varies across contextual factors (educational access and family planning effort). In recent cohorts, women of all educational levels experience earlier first births in higher-education contexts, suggesting that entry into motherhood is influenced by relative position within one’s peer group. Aggregating across educational levels, however, women experience later first births in higher-education contexts, driven by the greater share of highly-educated women. For women at all levels of educational attainment, first birth timing is responsive to family planning context; in aggregate, women in countries with high family planning investments become mothers one year later than those in countries with lower family planning efforts. Notably, highly-educated women lengthen their second birth intervals more when education and family planning are widely available, suggesting further potential for public investments to influence and mobilize reproductive preferences.
Margaret Frye is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan. She uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate how shared cultural ideals and expectations shape outcomes during young adulthood, with a particular focus on the social correlates of Africa’s recent educational expansion.
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