
PSC Brown Bag Seminar: Liz Ackert

PSC’s Brown Bag seminar series typically convenes Mondays at noon, at ISR Thompson Room 1430, and on Zoom.

Liz Ackert of UC Santa Barbara joins us Feb. 24, 2025.

Latino/a Health across U.S. Destinations

Latino/a areas of residence in the U.S. have diversified considerably in the last three decades, including the emergence of “new” Latino/a destinations that had little prior history of Latino/a settlement. Theories of immigrant incorporation and social determinants of health frameworks both suggest that Latino/a destinations should be associated with a geographic gradient in Latino/a health, but prior research yields mixed results on health and health-related outcomes among Latino/a groups across established, new, and minor destinations. This research uses a variety of nationally-representative data sources to consider how institutional resources for health and child health outcomes vary across Latino/a destinations. It finds that new destinations have more positive institutional resources for health overall, but lack the types of safety net resources that immigrant-origin groups are most likely to utilize, including federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). Diamond-Smith further shows that residential segregation is a more important determinant of access to the safety-net resources of FQHCs than destinations. She also finds evidence of several worrisome Latino/a child health access outcomes in new versus established destinations, but fewer differences in other Latino/a child health outcomes across destinations. She will discuss the implications of these findings for understanding place-based differences in Latino/a health, and highlight areas for future research in this area. 

Nadia Diamond-Smith is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research interests include racial/ethnic inequality, immigration, education, health disparities, urban geography, population-environment interactions, and quantitative methods. Her individual and collaborative work examines explanations for why racial/ethnic and immigrant-origin groups are unequally distributed across contexts– including schools, neighborhoods, and immigrant destinations– and evaluates the consequences of this inequality in contextual exposures for disparities in outcomes in domains such as education, residential mobility, and health. My work has been published in Demography, Health Affairs, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Population Research and Policy Review, and has been funded by NSF and NIH/NICHD. I am an Association of Population Centers Fellow for the 2024-2025 year.

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Feb 24 2025


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 24 2025
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Brown Bag seminars


ISR Thompson Room 1430

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